Addendum to ForgeRock Full Stack Configuration – Using ForgeRock OpenIG

This is an extension of an earlier post that demonstrated ForgeRock Full Stack Configuration, comprising OpenDJ, OpenAM and OpenIDM. In here we’ll plug in ForgeRock OpenIG to route traffic to/from OpenAM and OpenIDM. In the video log that follows, you’ll see:

– All urls that hit OpenIG, containing a string ‘openam’ getting redirected to OpenAM URL
– All urls that hit OpenIG, that does not contain the string ‘openam’ getting redirected to:

  1. OpenAM for Authentication if there is no valid User session and then on to OpenIDM UI
    2. OpenIDM UI if there is a valid User sessionOpenIDM UI

So here’s the extended illustration


Now on to the video.Enjoy!

Scripted SQL Connector in ForgeRock OpenIDM 4

ForgeRock Identity Management solution includes generic Groovy Connector Toolkit that enables you to run Groovy scripts on any external resource. You can read more about it here. Lifted verbatim from the OpenIDM 4 documentation mentioned above:”To facilitate creating your own scripted connectors with the Groovy Connector Toolkit, OpenIDM provides a scripted connector bundler. ” I followed Instructions in there (as well as in the README file of the ‘sample3’ in OpenIDM installation directory), to build a ScriptedSQL Connector to connect OpenIDM to a MySQL Database and my Video Log is below:


ForgeRock Full Stack Configuration

If you’re in a hurry to know what each of the ForgeRock Identity Platform Components is meant to do, try the Full Stack Configuration. In just over fifteen minutes, you’ll see:

– Installation of ForgeRock OpenDJ
– Deployment of ForgeRock OpenAM
– Configuration of OpenDJ as an Identity Repository in ForgeRock OpenAM
– Installation of ForgeRock OpenIDM
– Configuring OpenDJ as External Resource in OpenIDM
– Running a reconciliation in OpenIDM from OpenDJ
– Provisioning a User from OpenIDM to OpenDJ
– Using OpenAM as the Authentication Module for OpenIDM

With a much awaited weekend around the corner, I couldn’t really get over the laziness to create a better illustration than the one below to help visualize what’s mentioned above.


Please watch it, if you have some time. Enjoy!

Thanks: ForgeRock Product Documentation

Deploying a Highly Available ForgeRock Identity Management Solution

We have already discussed on this space the installation of ForgeRock Identity Management Solution and further configuring a Database as its repository. But in those discussions, all the critical components of the Solution namely the ForgeRock OpenIDM 4, MySQL Database were a Single Point of Failure. In an environment where business continuity is critical, we ought to build a solution that has no SPOF in the architecture. So I’m going to take you through that route today. Of course, this is a hint and just a way to understand the different options that you might consider in Configuring ForgeRock OpenIDM 4 for High Availability.

I’ve a rather simple example of HA configuration, mainly meant for understanding and learning it. In a sensitive infrastructure, a great deal of planning goes into building a Highly Available Environment. So what’s the small little setup we’ve here for learning:

ForgeRock OpenIDM 4 High Available Configuration

Two instances of ForgeRock OpenIDM 4 connects to a MySQL Proxy, which in turn talks to a MySQL Replication site. Of course, in this setup, MySQL Proxy is a SPOF, so you should have at least two of it in front of the MySQL Replication site. But if I had attempted to it, the whole thing would have looked a lot more complicated and would have failed the objective of being a learning tool. So if you’ve just under a half an hour to spare, you will know:

– How to use MySQL Proxy
– How to setup MySQL Replication (Master/Slave)
– How to install OpenIDM 4
– How to configure OpenIDM 4 to use a MySQL Database as its Repository
– How to bring up an OpenIDM Cluster environment

Well, the final state is what you get to see in the illustrations above.

Now on to the video. Enjoy!

Configuring Roles in ForgeRock OpenIDM 4

Merry Christmas!

For those interested to know how to configure Roles in ForgeRock OpenIDM, here’s my Christmas gift. A video at the end of this post will walk you through the installation of both ForgeRock OpenIDM and ForgeRock OpenDJ, configure the latter as an external resource in OpenIDM, performing reconciliation to bring in users from OpenDJ to OpenIDM. That’s not it, because all of that I’ve shown you earlier as well. Then, what’s more? Here it is:

So we go on and create Roles in OpenIDM, which has Managed Assignments that in turn has Attributes associated with an external resource (ForgeRock OpenDJ). So when a Role is assigned to a user in OpenIDM, based on the value of Attribute that is attached to the Role, the user will be subscribed to a group in the OpenDJ. If it sounds confusing,please don’t waste time reading it again, instead watch the video below, it’ll all be crystal clear.


Installation of ForgeRock OpenIDM 4 and Configuration of ForgeRock OpenDJ as its External Resource

It’s not for no reason that I picked up ‘Whistling Down the Road’ by Silent Partner (Courtesy: Google YouTube Audio Library) as the audio background for the screen-cast embedded on this blog post. The installation of ForgeRock OpenIDM 4 is one such experience, as in like just whistling away down the road! See it to believe it and don’t forget to try it.

I’ve done a similar screen-cast before, but that’s using OpenIDM 3.x. Be wary of the fact that the software used in this screen-cast is not yet read for Production. But now that the ForgeRock Management have given us this clue on the road ahead for the ForgeRock Products, it makes sense to start exploring it (if not already done).

So in the video below, you’ll see the lightning fast installation of both OpenIDM and OpenDJ and configuration of OpenDJ as an External Resource for OpenIDM.


ForgeRock OpenIDM User Provisioning Workflow

ForgeRock OpenIDM, very simply put, manages the identity, not necessarily of users all the time. In a short video demonstration that follows, I’ve taken efforts to show you a very simple user provisioning workflow in OpenIDM. When an employee in an organization initiates an onboard contract, the workflow is launched and the request reaches a manager, who then pickups the request and approves (or reject) it. Consequently, the new user’s identity is provisioned on a resource.

This video demonstration owes heavily to this section of ForgeRock documentation.

What’s in the video is a simple exercise and I strongly encourage anyone interested in ForgeRock’s Identity Management solution to try it and see. Well, if you say you aren’t familiar with the OpenIDM installation, that isn’t difficult either, you can watch it here.


ForgeRock OpenIDM: Setting Up SSL With MySQL Internal Repository

If you’ve already seen the video demonstration on setting up ForgeRock OpenIDM to use a JDBC repository, you may now be interested to know how to secure the traffic from ForgeRock OpenIDM to its JDBC repository. So in the video that follows, you will see:

– Setting up SSL in MySQL database
– Configuring OpenIDM to use SSLto the MySQL database (its internal repository)
Like several other videos that I’ve already published on this blog space around ForgeRock products, this one also makes use of Ubuntu 14.10 host 0S. A Linux Container running Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS is where we’ve our ForgeRock OpenIDM and MySQL database running. The illustration below might help you get a quick picture about the infrastructure used for the screen-cast:

Hope you’ll find the video log useful:

MySQL Product Documentation
ForgeRock Documentation