We have already discussed on this space the installation of ForgeRock Identity Management Solution and further configuring a Database as its repository. But in those discussions, all the critical components of the Solution namely the ForgeRock OpenIDM 4, MySQL Database were a Single Point of Failure. In an environment where business continuity is critical, we ought to build a solution that has no SPOF in the architecture. So I’m going to take you through that route today. Of course, this is a hint and just a way to understand the different options that you might consider in Configuring ForgeRock OpenIDM 4 for High Availability.
I’ve a rather simple example of HA configuration, mainly meant for understanding and learning it. In a sensitive infrastructure, a great deal of planning goes into building a Highly Available Environment. So what’s the small little setup we’ve here for learning:
Two instances of ForgeRock OpenIDM 4 connects to a MySQL Proxy, which in turn talks to a MySQL Replication site. Of course, in this setup, MySQL Proxy is a SPOF, so you should have at least two of it in front of the MySQL Replication site. But if I had attempted to it, the whole thing would have looked a lot more complicated and would have failed the objective of being a learning tool. So if you’ve just under a half an hour to spare, you will know:
– How to use MySQL Proxy
– How to setup MySQL Replication (Master/Slave)
– How to install OpenIDM 4
– How to configure OpenIDM 4 to use a MySQL Database as its Repository
– How to bring up an OpenIDM Cluster environment
Well, the final state is what you get to see in the illustrations above.
Now on to the video. Enjoy!