Addendum to ForgeRock Full Stack Configuration – Using ForgeRock OpenIG

This is an extension of an earlier post that demonstrated ForgeRock Full Stack Configuration, comprising OpenDJ, OpenAM and OpenIDM. In here we’ll plug in ForgeRock OpenIG to route traffic to/from OpenAM and OpenIDM. In the video log that follows, you’ll see:

– All urls that hit OpenIG, containing a string ‘openam’ getting redirected to OpenAM URL
– All urls that hit OpenIG, that does not contain the string ‘openam’ getting redirected to:

  1. OpenAM for Authentication if there is no valid User session and then on to OpenIDM UI
    2. OpenIDM UI if there is a valid User sessionOpenIDM UI

So here’s the extended illustration


Now on to the video.Enjoy!

ForgeRock OpenAM – Configuring Different Realms to Use Different BaseDNs of an OpenDJ Instance as Identity Repository

The short video log that follows was prepared to answer a question raised in the Forum on the ForgeRock Community Website. It’s an easy one on how to configure two separate BaseDNs of single ForgeRock OpenDJ instance as Identity Repository for two separate Realms in ForgeRock OpenAM.


ForgeRock Full Stack Configuration

If you’re in a hurry to know what each of the ForgeRock Identity Platform Components is meant to do, try the Full Stack Configuration. In just over fifteen minutes, you’ll see:

– Installation of ForgeRock OpenDJ
– Deployment of ForgeRock OpenAM
– Configuration of OpenDJ as an Identity Repository in ForgeRock OpenAM
– Installation of ForgeRock OpenIDM
– Configuring OpenDJ as External Resource in OpenIDM
– Running a reconciliation in OpenIDM from OpenDJ
– Provisioning a User from OpenIDM to OpenDJ
– Using OpenAM as the Authentication Module for OpenIDM

With a much awaited weekend around the corner, I couldn’t really get over the laziness to create a better illustration than the one below to help visualize what’s mentioned above.


Please watch it, if you have some time. Enjoy!

Thanks: ForgeRock Product Documentation

Still on DSEE? Try ForgeRock OpenDJ

This post in inspired by Ludovic Poitou’s reply to a thread in the ForgeRock OpenDJ Forum around DSEE to ForgeRock OpenDJ migration. Consider this to be just a hint, and not an answer. In a video log that’s embedded just below this write up, you’ll see some clues on a couple of different methods that you could consider to move away from a product that’s now in sustaining stage to ForgeRock’s Directory Services Solution. I don’t need to mention here how important a task it is to carefully draft a plan for migration from one product to another, and I’m sure you’ll not take this video log as the only reference while doing so.

So if you’ve half an hour to spare, you’ll see in the video:
Act 1:
– A ‘Flash Back’ on DSEE installation and configuration
– Exporting the data from the DSEE instance
– Installation & Configuration of ForgeRock OpenDJ
– Importing the DSEE instance backup to ForgeRock OpenDJ
Act 2:
– Installation of ForgeRock OpenIDM
– Configuration of External LDAP Server (DSEE instance) as a Managed Resource in ForgeRock OpenIDM (using samples)
– Configuration of OpenDJ instance as a Managed Resource in ForgeRock OpenIDM (using the UI)
– Reconciliation between the DSEE instance (source) and OpenDJ instance (target)
