ForgeRock OpenAM – Configuring Different Realms to Use Different BaseDNs of an OpenDJ Instance as Identity Repository

The short video log that follows was prepared to answer a question raised in the Forum on the ForgeRock Community Website. It’s an easy one on how to configure two separate BaseDNs of single ForgeRock OpenDJ instance as Identity Repository for two separate Realms in ForgeRock OpenAM.


MySQL Database as Identity Repository for ForgeRock OpenAM

ForgeRock OpenAM has three types of repositories:

(i) Configuration Repository that stores the OpenAM configuration data (ForgeRock OpenDJ)
(ii) Authentication Repository that’s used by OpenAM to Perform User Authentication (has more than 20 options out of the box)
(iii) Identity Repository that stores the User Profiles (has several options like LDAP v3, OpenDJ, AD, IBM’s Directory Server and Database [Eary Access])

Someone asked me the details on configuring a Database as the Identity Repository for ForgeRock OpenAM, so as soon as I got a chance, created the following screen-cast to demonstrate the use of MySQL Database as an Identity Repository for ForgeRock OpenAM. It’s fairly straightforward.
