Chronologically, this is my third blog update around ForgeRock software stack, the first two being Installation of OpenDJ in a Linux Container and ForgeRock OpenAM Installation in a LXC. While none of these entries have any dependency on each other whatsoever, it is recommended to watch it in order so as to get a fairly uncomplicated idea on the infrastructure being used for demonstrations. In the video logs embedded in all the blog posts as mentioned above, the ForgeRock products are being installed in Linux Containers in Ubuntu Linux flavour that in turn is running in a Virtual Box. Because I thought it maybe relatively effortless for you to sit back and enjoy watching a video rather than reading through a lengthy essay, I’m sticking to my idea of publishing my screen-cast on installation of ForgeRock OpenIDM in a Linux Container. In the screencast, you’ll find:
– Creating new linux container for installation of OpenIDM
– Installation of OpenIDM in a LXC
– Starting/stopping OpenIDM Services
– Accessing OpenIDM using REST calls
– Accessing OpenIDM using BUI
– Configuring OpenIDM as a run control script in Ubuntu Linux
With a hope that this screencast will give you a some understanding on getting started with ForgeRock OpenIDM, I here unto present it for you:
We will figure out how to use OpenIDM for Identity provisioning in a later segment, not too far in the future. In the mean time, if you would like to browse away the features of ForgeRock OpenIDM, its documentation can be found here.