Configuring Password Validator in ForgeRock OpenDJ 3

– How do we set a Minimum/Maximum Password length in ForgeRock OpenDJ?
– How do we impose the Users to use certain Special characters in their OpenDJ password?
– How do we have the Users use a alphanumberic string as their OpenDJ password?
– How do we create a Custom Password Validator (one that validates a Password against certain rules as the ones above)?

Well if these questions bother you, just like it happened to a friend of mine a day ago, the following video might help get some answers:

Related Videos/Documentation:
ForgeRock OpenDJ Documentation on Password Policy
ForgeRock OpenDJ Password Policy Part I – Service Based Password Policy [Video]
ForgeRock OpenDJ Password Policy Part II – Sub Entry Based Password Policy [Video]

ForgeRock OpenDJ Password Policy Part II – Subentry Based Password Policy

This post picks up from where we left last time and takes the next step to demonstrate Subentry Based Password Policy in ForgeRock OpenDJ. I owe a great detail of gratitude to the ForgeRock documentation team for this neat write up on OpenDJ Password Policy as well to Ludovic Poitou for his blog post. So in under 5 minutes time, we take our discussion on OpenDJ Password Policy to conclusion.


ForgeRock OpenDJ Password Policy Part I – Server Based Password Policy

Someone asked me if I could do a video on ForgeRock OpenDJ Password Policy. Though it took me a while to get over my laziness to do one, finally I’ve the first of two part video that demonstrates the Password Policy in OpenDJ. In the first part that’s embedded below, we get to know about the System based Password Policy in OpenDJ and how to make changes to it. OpenDJ installation is covered very quickly, so if you aren’t too comfortable with the OpenDJ installation or the basic LDAP commands for that matter, I humbly suggest you take a quick look here first.
