SAML2 as ForgeRock OpenAM 13 Authentication Module Instance

Well, you’ve possibly heard about the release of newer version of the ForgeRock Identity Platform with several enhanced capabilities. If not, you can read about it all here. One of the new features in the Access Management component of ForgeRock Identity Platform is SAML2 Authentication Module. What that offers is, after configuring Federation, we could supply all the required details like the IDP entity, the binding method etc. in an Authentication Module instance of the ForgeRock Access Management solution and use it just like any other Authentication Module (LDAP, Database, HOTP etc.). Let’s see how that’s done in a video demonstration that follows this write up. And, by the way, if you’d like to get a quick idea what’s new in the newer version of ForgeRock Access Management solution, read the release notes here.

We’ve already discussed OpenAM Federation on this space before. Here’s list of links from the past:

ForgeRock OpenAM Federation Using SAML v2
Using SAML Assertion Attributes in ForgeRock OpenAM

While the following video walks through the OpenAM Federation Configuration from the scratch, if you feel there are details missing in it, please feel free to have a look at the web logs mentioned above. The main focus of the screen-cast below is only to see how SAML2 is used as an Authentication Module instance in the version 13 of ForgeRock OpenAM.

The following illustration might give a quick idea on what’s demonstrated in the video embedded below this post.

Now on to the screen-cast. Enjoy!

Using SAML Assertion Attributes in ForgeRock OpenAM – Episode 03/04 : Configuring Transient Federation in ForgeRock OpenAM

This is the third episode from a four part video made on using SAML v2 Assertion attributes in an application protected by ForgeRock OpenAM. In the interest of continuity and also to get the context accurately, it may make sense to read/view the blog posts in the following order:

1. Protecting a J2EE Application with ForgeRock OpenAM
2. Configuring Federation in ForgeRock OpenAM
3. Configuring Transient Federation in ForgeRock OpenAM
4. Using SAMLv2 Assertion Attributes

Let me throw a picture at you:


The diagram is a slightly modified version of the one that you would have seen in my earlier blog entry. It has one additional user in the Identity Provider (which of course seems like a world famous detective and that’s no coincidence), but no corresponding entry in the Service Provider. In the Identity Federation Configuration earlier, we saw how a user with an id ‘demo’ in the Identity Provider linked her account with her id in the Service Provider. But there can be situations, when we may want to use Federation with identities only at the IDP, still gaining access to the applications protected by the SP. That’s where Transient Federation comes into play. It maps the identities from IDP to an anonymous user in the SP (many to one mapping).


Using SAML Assertion Attributes in ForgeRock OpenAM – Episode 02/04 : Configuring SAML 2.0 Federation in ForgeRock OpenAM

This is the second entry from a series of four blog entries made around using SAML v2 Assertion attributes in an application protected by ForgeRock OpenAM. Reading/viewing this as an independent entry may not be a futile exercise, but it may seem more effective if the following order is followed while going through this topic:

1. Protecting a J2EE Application with ForgeRock OpenAM
2. Configuring Federation in ForgeRock OpenAM
3. Configuring Transient Federation in ForgeRock OpenAM
4. Using SAMLv2 Assertion Attributes

At end of this episode, the following is what you get:


So the diagram above shows a Circle of Trust established between two entities (an Identity Provider and a Service Provider), each of which is an OpenAM instance running in two different Linux Containers. In this scenario, a user (with id ‘demo’) has profile in both IDP and SP, and by virtue of Identity Federation, she manages to link those accounts, after which once she authenticates against the IDP, IDP can send a assertion to SP, validating the authenticity of the user.


ForgeRock OpenAM Federation Using SAML v2

If you experience Deja Vu by looking at the illustration just below, chances are that you’ve hit my blogs before, in particular on this entry, where we looked at ForgeRock OpenAM as an Identity Provider and ForgeRock OpenIG as a Service Provider.

A friend asked me if I could demonstrate a very simple configuration of Federation using two ForgeRock OpenAM instances, one acting as an Identity Provider (a.k.a IDP) and another one taking up the role of a Service Provider (a.k.a SP). It wasn’t difficult to do one, so here we have it embedded towards the end of this post.


So what do we have here:

– A Circle of Trust which has two OpenAM instances, one of which acting as an Identity Provider and another one as Service Provider
– User always authenticates against the Identity Provider
– The authentication process is intiated either by the IDP (known as IDP initiated SSO) or by the SP (SP initiated SSO)
– Once the user is authenticated successfully, IDP sends across a piece of security information to the SP (known as assertion) that could contain user attributes
– SP then gives the user access to protected resources

In the demonstration that follows, because ‘Auto Federation’ is not enabled, during the first login the user will be prompted for credentials both by the IDP and the SP. Once the account linking is done, it’s only the IDP who would challenge the user.

If the illustration and the briefing above hasn’t given you the complete picture, the video below might give a better one.


ForgeRock OpenIG as SAML 2.0 Service Provider

This post is based on the ForgeRock Documentation on configuring OpenIG as SAML 2.0 Service Provider. The video logs embedded just below this write up is a visual representation of what is already there in the document that I mentioned above. For a detailed study, please read through the documentation and then sit back, relax and watch the demonstration in the screen-cast below

SAML 2.0 as you probably know is a standard to exchange information between a SAML authority (a Identity Provider a.k.a IDP) and a SAML Consumer (a Service Provider a.k.a SP). In the demonstration that follows ForgeRock OpenAM acts as an Identity Provider and ForgeRock OpenIG acts as a Service Provider. So the authentication of a user is done by the IDP, who will then send a piece of information (Assertion) to the SP that could contain the attributes of user from the user’s profile in the IDP DataStore. SP will then use the information thus obtained (Assertion) to take further action (like giving access to the user etc.)

There are two ways of getting this done:
(i) SP initiated SSO
(ii) IDP initiated SSO

In simple words, in a SP initiated SSO, the user contacts the Service Provider, who in turns gets in touch with the Identity Provider, who would validate the user credentials and then exchange a piece of information (Assertion) that could contain the user attributes to the Service Provider. Whereas a IDP initiated SSO, the IDP will authenticate the user, and would then send an unsolicited message (Assertion) to the SP, who would then take further action (like giving access to the user etc.)

The following two illustrations might give a rough idea:


In our story (above in the illustration and below in the video), a user authenticates against ForgeRock OpenAM (IDP), who will send then an assertion (containing user’s mail and employeenumber attribute) to ForgeRock OpenIG (Service Provider), who will apply filters (like extracting the attributes from assertion and posting it as username and password) to post the user’s credentials to a protected application (Minimal HTTP Server)

If you’ve got a vague picture on what’s discussed above, I’d believe it’ll be clearer after watching the video below:
