Setting Up Email and User Self Registration in ForgeRock OpenIDM 4

A few months back, I had published a post with a video demonstration on setting up Email in now older version of ForgeRock OpenIDM. If you haven’t seen it and would like to take a look at it, it’s here. Between now and then a lot of things changed, one of which is an improved UI in the recently released OpenIDM 4. If you’ve four minutes to spare, watch the video below to see how good a work has gone into the OpenIDM 4 UI improvement.


User Self Registration in ForgeRock OpenAM Concluding Part – Using REST

In an earlier post, we saw User Self Registration in ForgeRock OpenAM using XUI. It’s likely that you may not want to use the UI that comes with OpenAM, but may have reasons to build your own UI/Application on the REST API to operate on ForgeRock’s Access Management Solution. Keeping that in mind, a discussion on User Self Registration in OpenAM is incomplete without showing you how it is done using REST. Like many other examples you may already be familiar with around REST calls to ForgeRock products, you’ll see the usage of simple, yet powerful ‘curl’ to invoke REST calls to OpenAM for Self Registering a User. Here’s a list of related video blogs that you may want to watch before watching the one that’s embedded below.

User Self Registration in ForgeRock OpenAM Part I – Using XUI
E-mail Service Configuration in ForgeRock OpenAM

If you are ready, let’s go:

User Self Registration in ForgeRock OpenAM Part I – Using XUI

ForgeRock OpenAM is not meant for User Provisioning. Consider, ForgeRock OpenIDM for the same. Still, OpenAM does offer a facility for User Self Registration. In this segment, let’s have a look at how it’s done using the User Interface of OpenAM (XUI). As you can guess, it’s not a difficult task at all. Have a look.

Before I forget, the E-mail Service needs to be configured in OpenAM for the User Self Registration to work, so if you don’t know how that’s done, we have another video here.
