Helping Hand

I was really worried, when I left my home after jotting down my previous web log entry. I was to disobey my doctor to speak to a small audience on Sun Java Enterprise System. I was literally stepping into the third day of a five day training program because this program was once cancelled after two days because of a personal tragedy. So any more hiccups to this training program was beyond an acceptable limit. Fortunately, my audience was kind enough to raise themselves to understand my situation and listened carefully to my very low and soft voice. Not only that, a couple of them readily accepted my request to review some of the topics that I discussed in the class, speaking about it louder to the entire class and throwing more clarity to eveyone out there. Below you would see the pictures of Saurabh and Sajin taking over the platform and reiterating through some of the topics in the JES Workshop. Thank you so much guys for your understanding. You must know that you all made me feel really better. Needless to say, I am in a much better frame of mind.

One thought on “Helping Hand”

  1. A helping hand is always required, when people fall sick…
    Its really great to hear that, you have so many hands to help you – in the form of students
    You are lucky, Rajesh

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