New Year Wishes – Year 2010

To my ever tolerant audience, to my friends and relatives, available round the clock for valuable support and guidance, and to all those who are very close to my heart, here is a special note, exactly a day before yet another sunrise in our life that’d see us replace one more calendar with a brand new one, quite symbolic to our mind’s act of replacing unfullfilled dreams and promises with new ones and to give it all a fresh beginning. Though the Nature does nothing spectacular on the day of New Year, every year, I’d wager we continue to consider the New Year to be that one special occasion when new exciting goals are set and some strong resolutions made. How far would we stretch ourselves to make our resolutions count and to achieve our goal is something that only time will tell. Nonetheless, we have every right to hope for a grand beginning to a new episode in this short journey called life. And with a mind brimming with such positive thoughts about a promising future, it is but natural for us to celebrate the moment when another New Year would march gently into our life.

Before we bid farewell to this year and welcome the New Year, it isn’t inappropriate to spare some moments to reflect on the surprises – some pleasant, some shocking- that life had in store for us in the year that’s passing by. Such sessions of reflection would only bring into light a common pattern in our lives: some moments of glory, some of utter misery, some exciting ones, some very depressing, some that invokes happiness and some grievous and sick. One would imagine that all such elements of emotion shall continue to show up in everyone’s life and that all of us, at least on the day before another New Year in our life, spend a few minutes figuring out means that’d help us raise ourselves to a different plane enabling us to digest all ups and downs in life with equanimity, and not just hope for a New Year full of only favourable events.

Like I have written elsewhere, every time I fall into a retrospective mood, what comes to my mind instantly are memories of time spent with some good human beings and their influence in my makeup: be it my loving relatives, affectionate friends, extremely professional colleagues or cherished training participants. So on the last day of an eventful Year 2009, the least I should do to satisfy my conscience is to spend some time remembering them all, expressing my deep felt gratitude and affection. I thank God for connecting me with so many wonderful people and giving me opportunities after opportunities to learn so many valuable lessons in life. I’m hopeful, the Year 2010 would bring me many more such great ‘teachers’.

Here’s wishing all a very happy, peaceful and prosperous New Year 2010.

13 thoughts on “New Year Wishes – Year 2010”

  1. Wish you a very happy and prosperous new year. May the year ahead bring you loads and loads of happiness.

  2. Rajesh,
    Wish you and family a blessed new year. I should be back in Kmsry in Feb. See you soon.
    Poulose, Sumy and Tanya

  3. Thanks Rajesh!
    Wish You & Your Family A Very Happy New Year 2010! May the year bring lots of Luv & Happiness in Your Life!

  4. Hi Rajesh,

    Thank you for your wishes and Wish you a Happy New year

    You are a wonderful teacher that I have come across recently.


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