Seasons Greetings & New Year 2014 wishes

I’m a bit early than usual. The intent of course is not to get it done with, but to express myself, before you all get busy with the holiday actions & New Year Celebrations. I’ve never been so fond of New Year hype, because like many of you, I’d think that the positive changes in life can be brought about anytime and not necessarily as a part of New Year resolution. Plus, to tag a Year as ‘good’ or ‘bad’ seems folly, as there never was a major shift in the regular pattern of life everytime I changed my calenders. Life may continue to throw surprises, some pleasant, some not so.

Perhaps a slab of one dozen month is a reasonable checkpoint at which one could engage in self reflection on the progress made thus far. In that sense, let’s hope we use this occasion to celebrate the joy in life, leave behind all miserable moments, all the same carrying the learning from it into a fresh set of another twelve months. Personally, the year that’s bidding farewell to us in a handful of days time did make me look a miserable man at times. That’s just one view though. Through a different coloured glass, I realize how profound a learning experience all of them happened to be. My hope is to use all such learning to translate life’s events into positive experiences.

All personal musings aside, I’m here to tell you how grateful I’m for your company. Being connected with you through a channel set up by someone unseen is to me one of my true assets. Thank you for being there and I want you to know that you stand the reason for my smile on situations innumerable. Along with my wishes to you for only happiness in the year to come, my prayers for wisdom to take life as it comes and look at its events with great equanimity. Wish you pleasant holidays and a promising Year 2014!