The IDM club is growing

Now pay close attention to what I speak: IDM 4484 course is very tough. Sounds familiar? I have said it before and I must repeat myself more than often. Certain things needs emphasis again and again for the good of all. So in case, if you are are likely to drop in at Sun Labs to pick up lessons on advanced lessons on IDM, make sure you have some prior experience on Identity Manager deployment, else you might find yourself wasting four precious days of your life hearing me talk all Greek. I am writing this on behalf of those who have already come for this course, for those who would enrol for this course in future.

Four long days of discussions on IDM, with so many problems popping up in the labs – all of them unique in nature- my participants would have felt bone-tired this evening. That’s quite natural. Good luck to all of them for their future endeavours. Thankfully, I had a few experienced IDM guys sitting through this training, assisting me in my discussions (No, I didn’t tell them that I would pay ’em a share), helping their colleagues to get over the scary thoughts on IDM projects .

In spite of the an atmosphere so intense, we managed to have great fun while learning. All credits to the people in picture below:

For me, this week was nothing short of a memorable experience. Thanks a lot folks for your time.

One thought on “The IDM club is growing”

  1. Last week I attended to the IDM4484 in Japan for my new task.

    It’s quite tough course and I faced with many troubles which came from my many mistakes and a few doc bugs. 🙁

    I must review the course material of IDM345/IDM4484 to brush up what I learnt.

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