Season of Joy

A couple of days from now, it’s Christmas, which many of us consider to be a festival that would invoke in all a feeling of great pleasure and happiness. No wonder, why even a theory oriented class like DIR 2217 turned out to be a fun-filled and pleasurable experience for me; much in contrast to my initial impression about its delivery. Let me get this straight across to you: this class is all about Analysis and Planning before deploying Sun’s Directory Server, and the last thing an Instructor would expect in such a theory intensive session is a class full of emotionless faces.

But it’s Christmas season and it brings joy and energy; or at least it brings you in the company of some bubbly folks, just the way it happened to me in the bygone week. And the four days of training, it just flew. Wouldn’t you echo my thoughts about such a joyful class once you take a look at the photo below, which has a sense of joy painted all over it?

Well, in the process, if you ask me, if they learned something, I’ll leave it to them to have the final say. But for me, barring a few fumbles here and there, this class clearly announced the arrival of yet another season of joy.

Happy Holidays

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