Five Days with FSEs

What a week, this bygone week! After four weeks of continuous training on Sun’s software solutions, this week I met up with a group of Field Support Engineers for a discussion on Sun Fire Midrange Servers. When I started this class on 08th December 2008, Monday, I never imagined that it would turn out to be a unique experience in my teaching career. What it is, you would know from the following paragraph.

On 8th, I felt slight weakness in my voice. By evening, I could speak nothing. I still had four days of training left, when an ENT advised me for a complete voice rest. Calling off the batch was an easy option, but not the best one. Hence on Tuesday, my training participants found in the classroom a whiteboard full of instructions, conveying to them clear and loud about an ‘Instructor Led Voice-less’ training that they were about to face! With a hope of some divine intervention, I continued from where I left on day one and it began to work in my favour. I have never written so much continuously on a white board ever before and I have never played such lengthy dumb charades either . For three full days (almost), I took sessions, without uttering a single word! Occasionally, someone would volunteer to explain to the whole class, concepts that required repeated explanations. It was tough, but it was immensely satisfying. I am not saying that I would ever want to have an experience like this in future, but then this would stand as one of my memorable sessions for obvious reason. I extend my heart-felt gratitude to folks in the picture below for their extreme cooperation in helping me complete this session on a very satisfying note. Thank you folks!

Those who aren’t Field Engineers, but administrators of Sun Fire Midrange Servers and are on the look out for a Sun Training, check out this course. Wishing you all a restful weekend!

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