Cool Gilles

Congratulations Gilles Gravier! Please know that I am saying this standing a bit backward in time on the concluding day of Customer Engineering Conference 2007. I felt Gilles’ presentation at the CEC 2007 deserved appreciation and he was rightly judged as one of the two best speakers of CEC 2007 on Day 02.

We could all pick up from the atmosphere, after his presentation, that everyone out there who listened to him, without exception, enjoyed his talk thorougly. At least that’s what the long lasting ovations after his speech suggested me. Let me share with you what I liked the most about Gilles’ session:

* Firstly, Gilles had a casual conversation with us before his actual presentation, which made all of us feel very comfortable and this particular act of his, I am sure, would have helped him get the pulse of the audience.
* It wasn’t a mere slideshow. He showed us only a couple of slides and then went on to perform ten cool demonstration, some of which produced “wow” from at least a few of us.
* Gilles’ session was more of a dialouge than monologue and his eye contact with the audience was very critical.
* The contents of his presentation, unlike many other sessions, wasn’t rocket science, fit perfectly in the allotted time and was appropriate for a large variety of audience with different bandwidth.
* More importantly, we came out of the venue with an unfamiliar feeling of confidence that would help us approach the customers, community and comrades to speak about the cool features of Solaris 10 OS and it adoption.

Well, all I can say is, “Cool job, Gilles.”

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