A Fortnightly Bulletin??

Is my blog mutating to something like a fortnightly bulletin? It appears to me that I am getting into a habit of showing up on this blog on a fortnightly basis, which is bad . I wasn’t all that busy, but then I don’t think I had any significant content to publish on this blog. But today I am going to break my silence, mainly for two reasons:
One, I would like to invite you to watch the Sun Net Talk published about the Sun’s expanded alliance with Deloitte on Identity and Access Management Solution:

Sun and Delottie: Unlocking the Value of Identity and Access Management with Enterprise Roles

Second important task I would wish to perform through this post is to introduce you to my new friends. Well, that’s quite a few of them this week. And I met them for a training on Sun Java System Portal Server . It was an open batch, comprising of people from five different organizations, who traveled from various parts of this country to Bangalore.

When fifteen people turn up for a “level four” training like Sun Java System Portal Server Customization (PTL 4310) it certainly calls for some energy sapping sessions, touching fourty hours. But then, in restrospection, it feels great to have spoken at length to a full class. Without any more talking, let me put their picture up here (unfortunately, one participant was left out of this photograph coz of a medical emergency):

A general feedback has been about the version of the Portal Server used for this training program. It’s not the newer version that we’re using for this specific program. And unfortunately I don’t have any news about the likelihood of having a course on the newer version of Portal Server in the very immediate future. But I shall be posting about it as and when there is an official announcement about the same. But for now, here are a few tips to those plan to take up a Sun Course on the Sun Java System Portal Server:

* It wouldn’t be a bad idea to check out the objectives, goals and pre-requisite of this training program from the official website of Sun before attending this training.
* At least for the time being, be prepared to learn about an old version of the Sun Java System Portal Server and not the newest version.
* It would be an added advantage, if some working knowledge on Solaris (Unix) is gained before sitting through this training as most of the labs are performed on Solaris OE.
* An overall idea about the positioning of the components in the Identity Management Suite like the Access Manager and Directory Server would throw more clarity on the concepts of Portal Server.

I am sure my friends would agree to at least a couple of points mentioned above. All the same, I wish to mention here that it was nothing short of a memorable and exciting week for me with this rather huge batch.

One of these days, my boss introduced me to Matson Sparling. He came down to India for a very serious reason (not revealing). My boss brought him to the Sun Learning Center in Bangalore and Matson had a short conversation with my portal server participants, which was a very kind gesture. I am sure the inputs that he got from the “Sun Learners” would help him and his team to improve upon various aspects on the offerings from Sun Learning Services. So be it.

I managed to persuade them to pose for a photograph. Matson, thanks for spending some valuable time with me, indulging in a serious conversation.

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